Power cuts can be catastrophic for fish keepers; give yourself peace of mind with a battery powered air pump. The complete lack of surface movement due to filters and air pumps no longer running during a power cut, and therefore massively slowing down the oxygen exchange at the water’s surface, can cause issues for your fish the longer the power is out. This air pump runs on battery power rather than via the mains, meaning all you need to do is switch it on to buy you and your fish some time until the power comes back.
While an air pump is a great addition to an aquarium, providing additional aeration and increasing the potential for oxygen exchange at the water’s surface, improperly positioned air pumps can cause issues if the power fails, particularly if it happens when you are away from home. If not fitted with a non-return valve in the airline, an air pump can drain your tank if it is positioned below the water level and suddenly turns off. This battery powered air pump helps eliminate that problem so long as you ensure to replace the batteries on occasion to prevent it from shutting off.
A further benefit to this air pump is for those who travel to purchase fish and transport their fish home in buckets as opposed to fish bags; this air pump will help keep the water in the bucket oxygenated, which is especially important for larger fish with higher oxygen requirements.