Simple Built-in Control
Nero pumps come with a single button in case you don't want to bother with fine-tuning via the myAI app. Pressing and holding the button for different lengths of time allow you to select the speed, flow mode and power the device on/off.
All AI devices include smart control standard. Use the myAI® app on any iOS or Android device to easily set up or program your AI equipment. The Bluetooth LE allows an instantaneous connection between the Nero and the myAI app, without having to ‘find’ and pair the device.
Using the app you can select flow modes and set a schedule that suits your aquarium, or simply select Random to randomize the schedule. Within a daily schedule you can select various modes and speeds to change throughout the day (useful for scheduled pauses for feeding as well as to increase the pump's output afterwards to sweep up any uneaten food).
Constant Speed: A constant stream of flow at the intensity of your choosing.
Pulse: Consisting of uniform high and low levels.
Random: Simulates a high-energy reef environment.
Mounting the Nero only takes a minute and with the included magnetic mounting system moving the pump around only takes a second. Giving around 15° of movement, you can angle the Nero to direct flow in your aquarium where you need it. The two-part mounting system incorporates an inner magnet and an outer magnet that can couple together through 13mm of glass or less, and the pump then sits into the beveled inner magnet for an isolated and quiet mounting system.