HomeAquarium Filter MediaATI Zeolith Plus |
ATI Zeolith Plus From £10.99
ATI Zeolith Plus is a highly absorptive, micro-porous rock capable of absorbing harmful ammonia and other nitrogenous compounds. It is an excellent example of filter media by ATI and can be used alongside many of their other products such as ATI Supplements, without stripping them from the tank!
Zeolith Plus is made of pure zeolite, and contains a high concentration of clinoptilolite. This means that Zeolith Plus will not release any of the adsorbed toxic substances back into the water. It is entirely salt water safe. Features include: The Reduction of Tank Nutrients : Zeolith Plus removes ammonia and ammonium, which then decreases the formation of nitrite and nitrate. Algae Prevention: The reduced level of nutrients helps to prevent the formation of algae.
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